21 November 2009

Three types of Bad Breath

Bad Breath is known as an unpleasant odor that comes out from the mouth while breathing. There are there different types of bad breath. Each type has its reasons and thus requires different remedies.

1. Temporary bad breath:

It's the type that is commonly caused by dry mouth, poor hygiene, certain types of food and/or smoking. The best treatment for that type is to drink a glass of water to moister the mouth, to chew gum, use breath mints or/and breath spray. The prevention for that type of bad breath include proper cleaning and brushing 2 to 3 times daily or after each meal, regular flossing and a change in food consumption.

2. Morning breath:

It's the type which occurs first thing in the morning as individual opens his/her eyes. Causes of that type include the dryness of the mouth during night. Bacteria that cause the foul odor in this type can be treated by brushing the teeth and the tongue to rid of the bacteria then having good breakfast and then using mints or chewing gum.

3. Chronic bad breath:

It's often caused by certain medical conditions, medications and/or oral buildup. Unfortunately for many who suffer from chronic bad breath due to an illness or necessary medication, the only plan of action against bad breath is to mask the problem as effectively as possible. The sufferer in this case must visit the dentist regularly for help to solve the problem.

Bad Breath Treatment

How many embarrassing situations have you experienced in your life because of having bad breathe?

When one have bad breath, there are a lot of things in life that he/she are unable to enjoy, like close contact with a loved one and even the taste of their food. Many of us know that Bad Breath is a common condition that affects one in four people but the good news is that there is a cure and bad breath can be treated effectively.

There are many causes of bad breath including oral bacteria, foods, smoking, dentures, and dry mouth. Each of these different causes of bad breath will be related to either chronic or short-term bad breath and can be treated by any of the following remedies:

The first thing you should do when you realize that foul odor is emanating from your mouth is to make an appointment with the dentist to have a complete and thorough cleaning. Once this is done, you can speak to the oral hygienist that is doing the cleaning for tips and advice to help to cure bad breath and keep your mouth as clean as when it is professionally done.

To eliminate Oral bacterial the number one cause of chronic bad breath, which lives in your mouth and seems to favor the tongue as one of its favorite hiding spots, you should keep in mind the regular brushing and flossing of your teeth and regular brushing or scraping of your tongue. . If you cannot take good care of your teeth, then you probably do not really want to cure your bad breath.

Foods such as onions and garlic can cause short-term bad breath and it is recommended that you eat a sprig of parsley, cloves, fennel seeds or peppermint to mask the odor. Eating avocado can help many people to ease the chronic bad breath that ails them and everybody around them, but not eating too much avocado. If you eat a lot of meat and very little fresh fruits and vegetables, that could be to blame for your bad breathe. Eating more fresh food and less protein is a great bad breath remedy that really works for many people

Having a dry mouth leads to bad breath and if you do not drink enough water, chances are that your bad breath is due to the lack of moisture in your mouth, so be sure to check that out. It is important to drink enough water for many reasons but bad breath is only one of them

In order to prevent the risk of mouth and gum disease and bad breath caused by smoking, which causes chronic bad breathe from the smell of the tobacco and because it leaves your gums and teeth prone to gum disease, it is recommended that you quit smoking.

Finally, finding an effective cure for bad breath can be liberating for you. When you have eliminated bacteria from your mouth, you will be able to exude confidence when talking to people because you know that you have found a cure for bad breath that works.

01 October 2009

Bad Breath, It Happens to the Most Of us

So why do we get bad breath and how can we get rid of it? These are two very common and very important questions that we have all had to ask ourselves at some time or another. The reason it is such an important thing to figure out is that it is so much a part of who we are. It affects our confidence with people and our reputation around people. Talking is such a part of our daily life and if we have bad breath we are either not talking for fear that someone will find out how nasty we are or we are embarrassing or offending those we are talking to. Bad breath is also not only offensive to others; it carries with it a taste that is offensive to the owner as well.

Now it is one thing to have bad breath once in a while or in the morning before we brush our teeth. This kind of problem is easily remedied with simple hygiene. But can you imagine (and some of you can) having bad breath chronically and so bad that simply brushing your teeth or avoiding spicy food at lunch is not enough. Well some people have to live with this nightmare called chronic halitosis.

So if you are one of these people you need to first know that there are very good remedies to most people's cases of bad breath that are worse than normal. First you should go see your dentist which is pretty obvious. You see bad body odors in general are secondary to the growth of microorganisms (bacteria, yeast, etc.) that are producing noxious fumes as a by-product of their metabolisms. It is always important to go and see that you don't have a major infection that is causing the rotten (literally!) smell in your mouth.

Often however there isn't a huge cavity or pharyngeal abscess to explain the terrible smells and because the etiology is less obvious the solution is less obvious as well. Killing the bacteria is still the name of the game though and it just because people with chronic bad breath were unlucky enough to have gotten a particularly smelly strain of bacteria.

How do you do this? Well in several ways. One is to brush your teeth more often like every time you have food. Another is to get in the habit of brushing your tongue. Another is to buy a good mouth wash that kills the bacteria. Then lastly and maybe not so obvious is eating yogurt. You see yogurt contains bacteria that lives well in the body and is very benign in terms of bad effects. If you do these things you may just find that your bad breath takes a hike.

16 September 2009

The Exact Cure for Bad Breath

If you are looking for a cure for bad breath, you will need to inspect the reasons of the bad breath first to sort it out efficiently. Bad breath is an ordinary state that has an effect on one in four people and it is important to recognize that there is a cure and bad breath could be treated successfully.

There are lots of causes of bad breath as well as oral bacteria, foods, smoking, dentures, and dry mouth. All of those diverse causes of bad breath will be related to either chronic or short-term bad breath. You will get a cure for bad breath for all of these circumstances.

Oral Microorganisms

Oral bacteria is one of the most common reasons of chronic bad breath and could be eliminated through normal brushing and flossing of your teeth and regular brushing or scraping of your tongue. Oral bacterial lives in your mouth and seems to favour the tongue as one of its preferred hiding spots. You should free your mouth from food particles and plaque in order that bacteria cannot prosper in your mouth. When you use a regular brushing and flossing routine, you can get rid of oral bacteria and bad breath from your life.

Food Related Bad Breath

Foods such as onions and garlic will be the source for temporary bad breath and it is suggested that you eat a sprig of parsley, cloves, fennel seeds or peppermint to cover the smell. The stink cannot be eliminated since it creates in your intestinal tract and you should wait a day for the smell to leave your body naturally.

Smoking Related Bad Breath

Smoking brings about chronic bad breath from the smell of the tobacco and as it leaves your gum and teeth prone to gum illness which causes bad breath. To prevent the hazard of mouth and gum disease and bad breath caused by smoking, it is suggested that you quit smoking.

Bad Breath and Dentures

Dentures can cause chronic bad breath when the dentures are not cleaned frequently and properly. Food particles will be caught in the appliances and if not the dentures are washed regularly, the food particles will facilitate oral bacteria thrive in your mouth.

Dry Mouth Related Bad Breath

Dry mouth is a state that will cause temporary or chronic bad breath as moisture assists to clean the tissues of the mouth. If the mouth is too dry, bacteria cannot be moved away from the mouth. You could drink the suggested daily amount of water and juices to replenish the moisture in your mouth tissues and this will help out to flush out oral bacteria. Brushing and flossing have to be often continued when a dry mouth state is current to prevent bad breath.

If you desire to find the exact cure for bad breath, you should match the remedy to the cause of the bad breath. When you have found a cure for bad breath that works for you, you will feel like it is a new beginning.

15 September 2009

Dry Mouth – Main Bad Breath Cause

Although you may want to consult your physician if you have a particular problem with bad breath, the following general advice will give you insight into the likeliest cause of a bad breath problem.

The principal bad breath cause is associated with bacteria in the mouth. This can flourish when the saliva flow in the mouth is reduced. Lack of saliva means that old food is not washed away, and saliva also helps in neutralizing acids. Saliva also performs the very necessary task of flushing out the mouth, and removing food particles, so any reduction in saliva flow inhibits this action.

Saliva can be reduced for a number of reasons. There are natural causes of this reduction, and other causes related to disease or choices. The flow of saliva reduces naturally as we get older, making us more prone to bad breath. Also when we are dehydrated, the moisture in the mouth reduces naturally. Often when asleep, people will have their mouths open, maybe even snoring, and this will dry out the mouth. This contributes to the “morning breath” syndrome.

Certain diseases and illnesses can similarly contribute to bad breath. Any infection that affects the respiratory tract can be a cause of bad breath, as well as many other diseases.

Dry mouth can also be caused by medications for various problems. The most common is probably the antihistamine, taken to relieve allergies. Some others include high blood pressure and depression medicines. Other things that can be ingested that affect the dryness of the mouth include alcohol and mouthwashes that contain alcohol.

One of the many problems associated with cigarette smoking is dry mouth. For many reasons unrelated to bad breath, it is wise to avoid smoking, as has been documented extensively elsewhere. With a predisposition to bad breath, however, the habit of smoking virtually guarantees that you will suffer from bad breath.

It is no good to think that the bacteria causing bad breath may be generally eliminated, as they are naturally occurring and required for bodily function. They are anaerobic, which means “without oxygen”. As saliva provides oxygen the lack of saliva with a dry mouth makes a more favorable environment for the bacteria to increase, aggravating the bad breath.

The bacteria create sulfurous compounds, such as hydrogen sulfide (the bad egg smell) which are the cause of the smelly breath. The bacteria assist in the digestive process by starting the breakdown of proteins. Thus another cause of bad breath would be a high protein diet, which feeds the bacteria.